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Not only do we prepare your income tax returns for you and file them with the IRD on your behalf, we also offer a full tax administration service. We become your "tax agent". We receive from IRD your Notices of Assessment and Income Tax Statements of Account. We check these to our source documentation ensuring IRD are correct in their treatment of you. Where there are variances we follow them up, obtaining explanations from IRD as to why their treatment of you differs from that which we expected.
We also provide you with the pay-in slips in good time for you to pay your provisional and terminal tax obligations. All you need do is simply attach a cheque to the slip we provide you with and post it off to IRD at tax time!
Spaces Carlton Gore
110 Carlton Gore Road, Newmarket
Auckland, 1023 New Zealand
647 Peacockes Road
Waikato 3282
New Zealand