You are here: Home > Our Services > Connect Accounting
State-of-the-Art interfaced Accounting System.
You no longer have to "do the books", you no longer have to "do the GST".
Connect is our state of the art accounting system that interfaces
directly with your bank account, your banks' computer system and our computer system. It is a means of measuring on a regular and frequent basis whether you are achieving your business goals. Each month your business performance is measured by statistical reporting backed by a visual graphical representation of key business performance indicators. Smart clients realise they no longer need to invest in accounting software or indeed their own accounting staff - they leave it all to us via our being able to download directly from your bank your bank statements to our computer system, all with pre-coded General Ledger transactions.
Spaces Carlton Gore
110 Carlton Gore Road, Newmarket
Auckland, 1023 New Zealand
647 Peacockes Road
Waikato 3282
New Zealand